.. _coadd_pseudo3d_pipe: coadd example: coadd_pseudo3d_pipe ================================== This example shows how to use nmrglue to coadd a number of collections of 2D NMRPipe files which constitute a pseudo-3D data set. The two (or more) psuedo-3D data sets are assumed to be in directories named ``run*.dir`` with subdirectories named ``*.fid`` containing a ``test.fid`` file. The directory ``coadded_data.dir`` is created with the same subdirectory structure containing ``test.fid`` files containing data created by coadding each pseudo-3D. The data used in this example is available for `download. `_ [:download:`source code <../../../examples/coadd/coadd_pseudo3d_pipe/coadd_pseudo3d.py>`] .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/coadd/coadd_pseudo3d_pipe/coadd_pseudo3d.py