.. _integrate_2d: integration example: integrate_2d ================================== This example shows how to use nmrglue to integrate a 2D NMRPipe spectra. The script reads in point limits from ``limits.in`` and takes a simple summation integral of all points in each box described. The integrated volumes are writting to ``volumes.out``. For a method to graphically examine these limits see :ref:`plot_2d_boxes`. Similarly to check the peak assignments see :ref:`plot_2d_assignments`. The data used in this example is available for `download. `_ [:download:`source code <../../../examples/integration/integrate_2d/integrate_2d.py>`] .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/integration/integrate_2d/integrate_2d.py [:download:`input file <../../../examples/integration/integrate_2d/limits.in>`] .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/integration/integrate_2d/limits.in Results: [:download:`output file <../../../examples/integration/integrate_2d/volumes.out>`] .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/integration/integrate_2d/volumes.out