.. _plot_2d_spectrum_pts: plotting example: plot_2d_spectrum_pts ====================================== This example shows how to use nmrglue and `matplotlib `_ to create figures for examining data or publication. In this example a contour plot of the spectrum from a 2D NMRPipe file is created. Slices are added in the 15N and 13C dimension as well as sample peak labels. :ref:`plot_2d_spectrum` is similar to this example but plotted on a ppm scale. [:download:`source code <../../../examples/plotting/plot_2d/plot_spectrum_pts.py>`] .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/plotting/plot_2d/plot_spectrum_pts.py Result: [:download:`spectrum.png <../../../examples/plotting/plot_2d/spectrum_pts.png>`] .. image:: ../../../examples/plotting/plot_2d/spectrum_pts.png