.. _proc_base: nmrglue.proc_base ================= .. automodule:: nmrglue.process.proc_base This module is imported as nmrglue.proc_base and can be called as such. Apodization ----------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ em gm gmb jmod sp sine tm tri Shifts ------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ rs ls cs roll fsh Transforms ---------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ rft irft fft fft_norm fft_positive ifft ifft_norm ifft_positive ha ht Standard NMR ------------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ di ps ps_exp tp ytp xy2yx tp_hyper zf_inter zf_pad zf zf_double zf_size zf_auto Basic Utilities --------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ add add_ri dx ext ext_left ext_right ext_mid integ mc mc_pow mir_left mir_right mir_center mir_center_onepoint mult rev set set_complex set_real set_imag ri2c interleave_complex unpack_complex c2ri seperate_interleaved pack_complex decode_States ri2rr append_imag rr2ri unappend_imag exlr exchange_lr rolr rotate_lr swap swap_ri bswap byte_swap neg_left neg_right neg_middle neg_edges neg_all neg_real neg_imag neg_even neg_odd neg_alt abs sign Misc ---- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ coadd coad thres conv convolute corr correlate filter_median filter_min filter_max filter_percentile filter_rank filter_amin filter_amax filter_range filter_avg filter_dev filter_sum filter_generic nmr_reorder qart qart_auto gram_schmidt qmix smo center zd zd_boxcar zd_triangle zd_sinebell zd_gaussian Low-Level Functions ------------------- The following are functions called by other processing functions. They are included here for completeness. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ int2bin bin2int gray amin_flt amax_flt range_flt avg_flt std_flt sum_flt largest_power_of_2