.. _proc_lp: nmrglue.proc_lp =============== .. automodule:: nmrglue.process.proc_lp This module is imported as nmrglue.proc_lp and can be called as such. User Functions -------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ lp lp_svd lp_qr lp_cho lp_tls lp2d cadzow lp_model Developer Functions ------------------- .. include:: ../../../nmrglue/process/proc_lp.py :start-line: 5 :end-line: 20 These functions are called by high-level function are and most users will not use them in common processing scripts. Developers may be interested in them. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ lp_1d extrapolate_2d make_lp2d_Dd cadzow_single root2damp root2freq cof2amp cof2phase make_D make_little_d make_Dd make_mirror find_lpc find_lpc_svd pinv_diagsvd find_lpc_qr find_lpc_cholesky find_lpc_tls find_lpc_fb find_lpc_bf find_lproots_hsvd find_roots find_coeff reverse_filter fix_roots extrapolate