Covariance Processing example


This example is taken from Listing S10 in the 2013 JBNMR nmrglue paper. In this example covaraince processing is performed on a 2D NMRPipe file.


The test.ft file is provided in the archive. To create this from time domain data use the NMRPipe script

Execute python to perform the covariance processing on the test.ft file. The file test.ft2 is created.

Execute python to perform the covariance processing and plot the results. The output, covariance_figure.png is presented as Figure 5 in the article.

The data used in this example is available for download.

Listing S10


import nmrglue as ng
import numpy as np

# open the data
dic, data ="test.ft")

# compute the covariance
C = np.cov(data.T).astype('float32')

# update the spectral parameter of the indirect dimension
dic['FDF1FTFLAG'] = dic['FDF2FTFLAG']
dic['FDF1ORIG'] = dic['FDF2ORIG']
dic['FDF1SW'] = dic['FDF2SW']
dic["FDSPECNUM"] = C.shape[1]

# write out the covariance spectrum
ng.pipe.write("test.ft2", dic, C, overwrite=True)


import nmrglue as ng
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# open the data
dic, data ="test.ft")
uc = ng.pipe.make_uc(dic, data, 1)
x0, x1 = uc.ppm_limits()

# compute the covariance
C = np.cov(data.T)

# plot the spectrum
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
cl = [1e8 * 1.30 ** x for x in range(20)]
ax.contour(C, cl, colors='blue', extent=(x0, x1, x0, x1), origin=None)
ax.set_xlabel("13C ppm")
ax.set_xlim(62.5, 24.5)
ax.set_ylabel("13C ppm")
ax.set_ylim(62.5, 24.5)

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