
nmrglue.fileio.bruker.read_pdata_binary(filename, shape=None, submatrix_shape=None, big=True)[source]

Read a processed Bruker binary file and return dic, data pair.

If data cannot be reshaped as described a 1D representation of the data will be returned after printing a warning message.

Parameters :

filename : str

Filename of Bruker binary file.

shape : tuple

Shape of resulting data. None will return 1D data.

submatrix_shape : tuple

Tuple describing shape of resulting data. None will return 1D data.

big : bool

Endianness of binary file, True for big-endian, False for little-endian.

Returns :

dic : dict

Dictionary containing “FILE_SIZE” key and value.

data : ndarray

Array of raw NMR data.

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