

Read a NMRPipe file.

For standard multi-file 3D/4D NMRPipe data sets, filename should be a filemask (for example “/ft/test%03d.ft3”) with a “%” formatter. If only one file of a 3D/4D data set is provided only that 2D slice of the data is read (for example “/ft/test001.ft3” results in a 2D data set being read).

NMRPipe data streams stored as files (one file 3D/4D data sets made using xyz2pipe) can be read by providing the file name of the stream. The entire data set is read into memory.

Parameters :

filename : str

Filename or filemask of NMRPipe file(s) to read.

Returns :

dic : dict

Dictionary of NMRPipe parameters.

data : ndarray

Array of NMR data.

See also

NMRPipe file reading with minimal memory usage.
Write a NMRPipe data to file(s).

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