
nmrglue.process.pipe_proc.qmix(dic, data, ic=1, oc=1, cList=[0], time=False)[source]

Complex mixing of input to outputs

Parameters :

dic : dict

Dictionary of NMRPipe parameters.

data : ndarray

Array of NMR data.

ic : int

Number of input channels

oc : int

Number of output channels

cList : array_like

Array or mixing coefficients. This parameter must be able to be converted to an array and reshaped to (ic, oc).

Returns :

ndic : dict

Dictionary of updated NMRPipe parameters.

ndata : ndarray

Array of NMR data after complex mixing.


ic and oc must evenly divide the data. This function refuses to make invalid length files, NMRPipe’s qmix function will create such files.

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