
nmrglue.process.proc_base.jmod(data, e=0.0, off=0.0, end=0.0, inv=False, rev=False)[source]

Exponentially damped J-modulation apodization

Functional form of apodization window:

\[jmod(x_i) = \exp(-e) * \sin(\frac{pi * off + pi * (end - off) * i} {size - 1})\]
Parameters :

data : ndarray

Array of NMR data.

e : float

Exponential apodization term.

off : float

Start of J-modulation in fractions of pi radians (180 degrees).

end : float

End of J-modulation in fractions of pi radians (180 degrees).

inv : bool, optional

True for inverse apodization. False (default) for standard.

rev : bool, optional.

True to reverse the apodization before applying it to the data.

Returns :

ndata : ndarray

Array of NMR data with apodization applied.

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