convert example: pipe2sparky_3dΒΆ

This example shows how to use nmrglue to convert between the NMRPipe and Sparky file formats for a 3D data set. The last block of code lists the differences between this conversion and one performed with pipe2ucsf.

[source code]

#! /usr/bin/env python

import nmrglue as ng

# read in the varian data
dic,data = ng.pipe.read_lowmem("../common_data/3d_pipe/ft/test%03d.ft3")

# Set the parameters 
u = ng.pipe.guess_udic(dic,data)

# create the converter object and initilize with varian data
C = ng.convert.converter()

# create pipe data and then write it out

# check the conversion against NMRPipe
print "Conversion complete, listing differences between files:"
sdic,sdata = ng.sparky.read_lowmem("3d_sparky.ucsf")
sdic2,sdata2 = ng.sparky.read_lowmem("../common_data/3d_sparky/data.ucsf")
print ng.misc.pair_similar(sdic,sdata[5],sdic2,sdata2[5],verb=True)

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