
Peak picking routines, lineshape parameter guessing, and related functions.

This modules is imported as nmrglue.peakpick and can be called as such.

User Functions

pick(data, pthres[, nthres, msep, ...]) Pick (find) peaks in a region of a NMR spectrum.

Developer Functions

These functions are typically not used directly by users. Developers who want fine control over peak picking will be interested in these functions.

add_edge(locations, edge) Add edge to list of locations, returning a list of edge-added locations
clusters(data, locations, pthres, nthres[, ...]) Perform cluster analysis of peak locations.
pack_table(locations[, cluster_ids, scales, ...]) Create a table from peak information.
guess_params_slice(data, location, ...) Guess the parameter of a peak in a segment.
extract_1d(data, location, axis) Extract a 1D slice from data along axis at location
find_all_thres(data, thres, msep[, find_segs]) Peak pick a spectrum using a threshhold-minimum distance algorithm.
find_all_nthres(data, thres, msep[, find_segs]) Peak pick a spectrum using a threshhold-minimum distance algorithm.
find_all_thres_fast(data, thres, msep[, ...]) Fast version of find_all_thres.
find_all_nthres_fast(data, thres, msep[, ...]) Fast version of find_all_nthres_fast.
find_pseg_slice(data, location, thres) Find slices which define a segment in data above thres.
find_nseg_slice(data, location, thres) Find slices which define a segment in data below thres.

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