
Radar Moment correction routines.


Attenuation correction from polarimetric radars.

Code adapted from method in Gu et al, JAMC 2011, 50, 39.

Adapted by Scott Collis and Scott Giangrande, refactored by Jonathan Helmus.

calculate_attenuation(radar, z_offset[, ...]) Calculate the attenuation from a polarimetric radar using Z-PHI method.


Front end to the University of Washington 4DD code for Doppler dealiasing.

dealias_fourdd(radar, sounding_heights, ...) Dealias the Doppler velocities field using the University of Washington
find_time_in_interp_sonde(interp_sonde, target) Find the wind parameter for a given time in a ARM interpsonde file.


Utilities for working with phase data.

Code based upon algorithm descriped in: S. E. Giangrande et al, J. of Atmos. and Ocean. Tech., 2013, 30, 1716.

Adapted by Scott Collis and Scott Giangrande, refactored by Jonathan Helmus

det_sys_phase(radar[, ncp_lev, rhohv_lev, ...]) Determine the system phase.
_det_sys_phase(ncp, rhv, phidp, last_ray_idx) Determine the system phase, see det_sys_phase.
fzl_index(fzl, ranges, elevation, radar_height) Return the index of the last gate below a given altitude.
det_process_range(radar, sweep, fzl[, doc]) Determine the processing range for a given sweep.
snr(line[, wl]) Return the signal to noise ratio after smoothing.
unwrap_masked(lon[, centered, copy]) Unwrap a sequence of longitudes or headings in degrees.
smooth_and_trim(x[, window_len, window]) Smooth data using a window with requested size.
noise(line[, wl]) Return the noise after smoothing.
get_phidp_unf(radar[, ncp_lev, rhohv_lev, ...]) Get Unfolded Phi differential phase
construct_A_matrix(n_gates, filt) Construct a row-augmented A matrix. Equation 5 in Giangrande et al, 2012.
construct_B_vectors(phidp_mod, z_mod, filt) Construct B vectors. See Giangrande et al, 2012.
LP_solver_cvxopt(A_Matrix, B_vectors, weights) Solve the Linear Programming problem given in Giangrande et al, 2012 using
LP_solver_pyglpk(A_Matrix, B_vectors, weights) Solve the Linear Programming problem given in Giangrande et al, 2012 using
phase_proc_lp(radar, offset[, debug, ...]) Phase process using a LP method [1].


Cython wrapper around the Univ. of Washington FourDD algorithm.

fourdd_dealias(DZvolume, radialVelVolume, ...) Dealias using the FourDD algorithm.