
A object for accessing Radar data and parameter using the RSL library.

Parameters :

filename : str

Radar file to read.


month (int) Date, month (1-12).
day (int) Date, day (1-31).
year (int) Date, year (eg. 1993).
hour (int) Time, hour (0-23).
minute (int) Time, minute (0-59).
sec (float) Time, second + fractions of second.
nvolumes (int) Number of volume slots in the file.
number (int) Arbitrary number for this radar site.
latd, latm, lats (int) Latitude degrees, minutes and seconds for the site.
lond, lonm, lons (int) Longitude degrees, minutes and seconds for the site.
height (int) Height of site in meters above sea level.
spulse (int) Length of short pulse in ns.
lpulse (int) Length of long pulse in ns.
scan_mode (int) Scan mode, 0 for PPI, 1 for RHI.
vcp (int) Volume coverage pattern, WSR-88D only.


available_moments() Return a list of available volume moments.
get_radar_header() Return a dictionary of radar header parameters.
get_volume(volume_number) Return a _RslVolume for a given volume number.
get_volume_array(volume_number) Return the three-dimensional data contained in a given volume.

Private methods

__format__ default object formatter
__new__((S, ...)
__reduce__ helper for pickle
__reduce_ex__ helper for pickle
__sizeof__(() -> int) size of object in memory, in bytes
__subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

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