class, bzip=False)[source]

Class for accessing data in a NEXRAD (WSR-88D) Level II file.

NEXRAD Level II files [R7], also know as NEXRAD Archive Level II or WSR-88D Archive level 2, are available from the NOAA National Climate Data Center [R8] as well as on the UCAR THREDDS Data Server [R9]. Files with uncompressed messages and compressed messages are supported. Currently only “message 31” type files are supported, “message 1” file cannot be read using this class.

Parameters :

filename : str

Filename of Archive II file to read.

bzip : bool

True if the file is a compressed bzip2 file.


[R7](1, 2)
[R8](1, 2)
[R9](1, 2)


msg31s (list) Message 31 message in the file.
nscans (int) Number of scans in the file.
scan_msgs (list of arrays) Each element specifies the indices of the message in msg31s which belong to a given scan.
volume_header (dict) Volume header.
vcp (dict) VCP information dictionary.
_records (list) A list of all records (message) in the file.


get_azimuth_angles([scans]) Retrieve the azimuth angles of all rays in the requested scans.
get_data(moment, max_ngates[, scans, raw_data]) Retrieve moment data for a given set of scans.
get_elevation_angles([scans]) Retrieve the elevation angles of all rays in the requested scans.
get_nrays(scan) Return the number of rays in a given scan.
get_range(scan_num, moment) Return an array of gate ranges for a given scan and moment.
get_target_angles([scans]) Retrieve the target elevation angle of the requested scans.
get_times([scans]) Retrieve the times at which the rays were collected.
location() Find the location of the radar.
scan_info() Return a list of dictionaries with scan information.

Private methods

__init__(filename[, bzip]) initalize the object.
_msg31_array(scans, key) Return an array of msg31 header elements for all rays in scans.
_msg_nums(scans) Find the all message number for a list of scans.

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