class, _range, fields, metadata, scan_type, latitude, longitude, altitude, sweep_number, sweep_mode, fixed_angle, sweep_start_ray_index, sweep_end_ray_index, azimuth, elevation, altitude_agl=None, target_scan_rate=None, scan_rate=None, antenna_transition=None, instrument_parameters=None, radar_calibration=None)[source]

A class for storing antenna coordinate radar data.

The structure of the Radar class is based on the CF/Radial Data file format. Global attributes and variables (section 4.1 and 4.3) are represented as a dictionary in the metadata attribute. Other required and optional variables are represented as dictionaries in a attribute with the same name as the variable in the CF/Radial standard. When a optional attribute not present the attribute has a value of None. The data for a given variable is stored in the dictionary under the ‘data’ key. Moment field data is stored as a dictionary of dictionaries in the fields attribute. Sub-convention variables are stored as a dictionary of dictionaries under the meta_group attribute.

Refer to the attribute section for information on the parameters.


time (dict) Time at the center of each ray.
range (dict) Range to the center of each gate (bin).
fields (dict of dicts) Moment fields.
metadata (dict) Metadata describing the instrument and data.
scan_type (str) Type of scan, one of ‘ppi’, ‘rhi’, ‘sector’ or ‘other’. If the scan volume contains multiple sweep modes this should be ‘other’.
latitude (dict) Latitude of the instrument.
longitude (dict) Longitude of the instrument.
altitude (dict) Altitude of the instrument, above sea level.
altitude_agl (dict or None) Altitude of the instrument above ground level. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter not available.
sweep_number (dict) The number of the sweep in the volume scan, 0-based.
sweep_mode (dict) Sweep mode for each mode in the volume scan.
fixed_angle (dict) Target angle for thr sweep. Azimuth angle in RHI modes, elevation angle in all other modes.
sweep_start_ray_index (dict) Index of the first ray in each sweep relative to the start of the volume, 0-based.
sweep_end_ray_index (dict) Index of the last ray in each sweep relative to the start of the volume, 0-based.
target_scan_rate (dict or None) Intended scan rate for each sweep. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available.
azimuth (dict) Azimuth of antenna, relative to true North.
elevation (dict) Elevation of antenna, relative to the horizontal plane.
scan_rate (dict or None) Actual antenna scan rate. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available.
antenna_transition (dict or None) Flag indicating if the antenna is in transition, 1 = tes, 0 = no. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available.
instruments_parameters (dict of dicts or None) Instrument parameters, if not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating these parameters are not avaiable. This dictionary also includes variables in the radar_parameters CF/Radial subconvention.
radar_calibration (dict of dicts or None) Instrument calibration parameters. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating these parameters are not available
ngates (int) Number of gates (bins) in the volume.
nrays (int) Number of rays in the volume.
nsweeps (int) Number of sweep in the volume.


add_field(field_name, dic) Add a field to the object.
add_field_like(existing_field_name, ...) Add a field to the object with metadata from a existing field.
extract_sweeps(sweeps) Create a new radar contains only the data from select sweeps.
info([level, out]) Print information on radar.

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