
class pyart.graph.CFRadialDisplay(dataset, shift=(0.0, 0.0))[source]

A display object for creating plots from data in NetCDF4 Dataset objects.

Parameters :

dataset : Dataset

NetCDF4 Dataset object to use for creating plots.

shift : (float, float)

Shifts in km to offset the calulcated x and y locations.


plots (list) List of plots created.
plot_vars (list) List of fields plotted, order matches plot list.
cbs (list) List of colorbars created.
radar_name (str) Name of radar.
origin (str) ‘Origin’ or ‘Radar’.
shift ((float, float)) Shift in meters.
x, y, z (array) Cartesian location of a sweep in meters.
loc ((float, float)) Latitude and Longitude of radar in degrees.
time_begin (datetime) Beginning time of first radar scan.
starts (array) Starting ray index for each tilt.
ends (array) Ending ray index for each tilt.
ranges (array) Gate ranges in meters.
azimuths (array) Azimuth angle in degrees.
elevations (array) Elevations in degrees.
fixed_angle (array) Scan angle in degrees.


generate_filename(field, tilt[, ext]) Generate a filename for a plot.
generate_ray_title(field, ray) Generate a title for a ray plot.
generate_title(field, tilt) Generate a title for a plot.
label_xaxis_r([ax]) Label the xaxis with the default label for r units.
label_xaxis_x([ax]) Label the xaxis with the default label for x units.
label_yaxis_field(field[, ax]) Label the yaxis with the default label for a field units.
label_yaxis_y([ax]) Label the yaxis with the default label for y units.
label_yaxis_z([ax]) Label the yaxis with the default label for z units.
plot_colorbar([mappable, field, label, cax, fig]) Plot a colorbar.
plot_cross_hair(size[, npts, ax]) Plot a cross-hair on a ppi plot.
plot_label(label, location[, symbol, ...]) Plot a single symbol and label at a given location.
plot_labels(labels, locations[, symbols, ...]) Plot symbols and labels at given locations.
plot_ppi(field, tilt[, mask_tuple, vmin, ...]) Plot a PPI.
plot_range_ring(range_ring_location_km[, ...]) Plot a single range ring.
plot_range_rings(range_rings[, ax]) Plot a series of range rings.
plot_ray(field, ray[, format_str, ...]) Plot a single ray.
plot_rhi(field, tilt[, mask_tuple, vmin, ...]) Plot a RHI.
set_limits([xlim, ylim, ax]) Set the display limits.

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