Create a two panel RHI plotΒΆ

An example which creates a two panel RHI plot of a Sigmet file. The fields included in the two panels are reflectivity and doppler velocity.


Python source code:


# Author: Jonathan J. Helmus (
# License: BSD 3 clause

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyart

# read the data and create the display object
filename = 'XSW110520113537.RAW7HHL'
radar =
display = pyart.graph.RadarDisplay(radar)

# fields to plot and ranges
fields_to_plot = ['reflectivity', 'velocity']
ranges = [(-32, 64), (-17.0, 17.0)]

# plot the data
nplots = len(fields_to_plot)
plt.figure(figsize=[5 * nplots, 4])

# plot each field
for plot_num in xrange(nplots):
    field = fields_to_plot[plot_num]
    vmin, vmax = ranges[plot_num]

    plt.subplot(1, nplots, plot_num + 1)
    display.plot_rhi(field, 0, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, title_flag=False)
    display.set_limits(ylim=[0, 17])

# set the figure title and show
radar_name = display.radar_name
time_text = ' ' + display.time_begin.isoformat() + 'Z '
azimuth = radar.fixed_angle['data'][0]
title = 'RHI ' + radar_name + time_text + 'Azimuth %.2f' % (azimuth)

Total running time of the example: 1.89 seconds

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Create a RHI plot from a Sigmet file

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