
class pyart.graph.gridmapdisplay.GridMapDisplay(grid, debug=False)[source]

A class for creating plots from a grid object on top of a Basemap.

Parameters :

grid : Grid

Grid with data which will be used to create plots.

debug : bool

True to print debugging messages, False to supress them.


grid (Grid) Grid object.
debug (bool) True to print debugging messages, False to supressed them.
proj (Proj) Object for perforning cartographic transformations specific to the grid.
grid_lons (array) Grid longitudes in degrees.
grid_lats (array) Grid latitudes in degress.
basemap (Basemap) Last plotted basemap, None when no basemap has been plotted.
mappables (list) List of ContourSet, etc. which have been plotted, useful when adding colorbars.
fields (list) List of fields which have been plotted.


plot_basemap([lat_lines, lon_lines, ...]) Plot a basemap.
plot_colorbar([mappable, orientation, ...]) Plot a colorbar to an axis.
plot_crosshairs([lon, lat, line_style, ...]) Plot crosshairs at a given longitude and latitude.
plot_grid(field[, level, vmin, vmax]) Plot the grid onto the current basemap.
plot_latitude_slice(field[, lon, lat, vmin, ...]) Plot a slice along a given latitude.
plot_longitude_slice(field[, lon, lat, ...]) Plot a slice along a given longitude.

Private methods

__init__(grid[, debug]) initalize the object.
_check_basemap() Check that basemap is not None, raise ValueError if it is.
_find_nearest_grid_indices(lon, lat) Find the nearest x, y grid indices for a given latitude and longitude.
_parse_ax(ax) Parse the ax parameter.
_parse_lon_lat(lon, lat) Parse lat and lon parameters
_parse_vmin_vmax(field, vmin, vmax) Parse vmin and vmax parameters.

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