
A object for accessing RSL Ray data and header information

This class should not be initalized from within Python. _RslRay object are returned from the _RslSweep.get_ray method.


month (int) Date for this ray, month (1-12).
day (int) Date for this ray, day (1-31).
year (int) Date for this ray, year (eg. 1993).
hour (int) Time for this ray, hour (0-23).
minute (int) Time for this ray, minute (0-59).
sec (float) Time for this ray, second + fractor of second.
unam_rng (float) Unambiguous range in km.
azimuth (float) Mean azimuth angle in degrees for the ray, must be positive. 0 for north, 90 for east, 270 for west.
ray_num (int) Ray number within a scan.
elev (float) Elevation angle in degrees.
elev_num (int) Elevation number within the volume scan.
range_bin1 (int) Range to first gate in meters.
gate_size (int) Gate size in meters.
vel_res (float) Doppler velocity resolution.
sweep_rate (float) Sweep rate, full sweeps / minute.
prf (int) Pulse repetition frequency in Hz.
prf2 (int) Second pulse repition frequenct for dual PRF data.
azim_rate (float) Sweep rate in degrees / second.
fix_angle (float) Elevation angle for the sweep in degrees.
pitch (float) Pitch angle.
roll (float) Roll angle.
heading (float) Heading.
pitch_rate (float) Pitch rate in angle / sec.
roll_rate (float) Roll rate in angle / sec.
heading_rate (float) Heading rate in angle / sec.
lat (float) Latitude in degrees.
lon (float) Longitude in degrees.
alt (int) Altitude in meters.
rvs (float) Radial velocity correction in meters / second.
vel_east (float) Platform velocity to the east in meters / second. Negative values for velocity to the west.
vel_north (float) Platform velocity to the north in meters / second. Negative values for velocity to the south.
vel_up (float) Platform velocity upward in meters / second. Negative values for velocity downward.
pulse_count (int) Pulses used in a single dwell time.
pulse_width (float) Pulse width in microseconds.
beam_width (float) Beamwidth in degrees.
frequency (float) Carrier frequency in GHz.
wavelength (float) Wavelength in meters.
nyq_vel (float) Nyquist velocity in meters / second.
nbins (int) Number of array elements in ray data.


get_data() Return the one-dimensional data contained in the ray.
get_datetime() Return a datetime describing the date and time of the ray.

Private methods

__format__ default object formatter
__new__((S, ...)
__reduce__ helper for pickle
__reduce_ex__ helper for pickle
__sizeof__(() -> int) size of object in memory, in bytes
__subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

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