A object for accessing RSL Volume data and header information.
This class should not be initalized from within Python. _RslVolume objects are returned from the RslFile.get_volume and other functions/methods.
nsweeps | (int) Sweep number. |
calibr_const | (float) Calibration constant. |
get_azimuth_and_elev_array() | Return azimuth and elevation array for each sweep and ray. |
get_data() | Return the three-dimensional data contained in the volume. |
get_instr_params() | Return instrumental parameter for the volume. |
get_nray_list() | Return a list of the number of rays for each sweep. |
get_sweep(sweep_numer) | Return a _RslSweep for a given sweep number. |
get_sweep_azimuths() | Return azimuth array for each sweep. |
get_sweep_elevs() | Return elevation array for each sweep. |
Private methods
__format__ | default object formatter |
__new__((S, ...) | |
__reduce__ | helper for pickle |
__reduce_ex__ | helper for pickle |
__sizeof__(() -> int) | size of object in memory, in bytes |
__subclasshook__ | Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass(). |