class, leafsize=10, algorithm='kd_tree')[source]

Nearest neighbor locator.

Class for finding the neighbors of a points within a given distance.

Parameters :

data : array_like, (n_sample, n_dimensions)

Locations of points to be indexed. Note that if data is a C-contiguous array of dtype float64 the data will not be copied. Othersize and internal copy will be made.

leafsize : int

The number of points at which the algorithm switches over to brute-force. This can significantly impact the speed of the contruction and query of the tree.

algorithm : ‘kd_tree’ or ‘ball_tree’

Algorithm used to compute the nearest neigbors. ‘kd_tree’ uses a k-d tree, ‘ball_tree’ a Ball tree.


find_neighbors_and_dists(q, r) Find all neighbors and distances within a given distance.

Private methods

__init__(data[, leafsize, algorithm]) initalize.

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