A class for storing antenna coordinate radar data.
The structure of the Radar class is based on the CF/Radial Data file format. Global attributes and variables (section 4.1 and 4.3) are represented as a dictionary in the metadata attribute. Other required and optional variables are represented as dictionaries in a attribute with the same name as the variable in the CF/Radial standard. When a optional attribute not present the attribute has a value of None. The data for a given variable is stored in the dictionary under the ‘data’ key. Moment field data is stored as a dictionary of dictionaries in the fields attribute. Sub-convention variables are stored as a dictionary of dictionaries under the meta_group attribute.
Refer to the attribute section for information on the parameters.
time | (dict) Time at the center of each ray. |
range | (dict) Range to the center of each gate (bin). |
fields | (dict of dicts) Moment fields. |
metadata | (dict) Metadata describing the instrument and data. |
scan_type | (str) Type of scan, one of ‘ppi’, ‘rhi’, ‘sector’ or ‘other’. If the scan volume contains multiple sweep modes this should be ‘other’. |
latitude | (dict) Latitude of the instrument. |
longitude | (dict) Longitude of the instrument. |
altitude | (dict) Altitude of the instrument, above sea level. |
altitude_agl | (dict or None) Altitude of the instrument above ground level. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter not available. |
sweep_number | (dict) The number of the sweep in the volume scan, 0-based. |
sweep_mode | (dict) Sweep mode for each mode in the volume scan. |
fixed_angle | (dict) Target angle for thr sweep. Azimuth angle in RHI modes, elevation angle in all other modes. |
sweep_start_ray_index | (dict) Index of the first ray in each sweep relative to the start of the volume, 0-based. |
sweep_end_ray_index | (dict) Index of the last ray in each sweep relative to the start of the volume, 0-based. |
target_scan_rate | (dict or None) Intended scan rate for each sweep. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available. |
azimuth | (dict) Azimuth of antenna, relative to true North. |
elevation | (dict) Elevation of antenna, relative to the horizontal plane. |
scan_rate | (dict or None) Actual antenna scan rate. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available. |
antenna_transition | (dict or None) Flag indicating if the antenna is in transition, 1 = tes, 0 = no. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating this parameter is not available. |
instruments_parameters | (dict of dicts or None) Instrument parameters, if not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating these parameters are not avaiable. This dictionary also includes variables in the radar_parameters CF/Radial subconvention. |
radar_calibration | (dict of dicts or None) Instrument calibration parameters. If not provided this attribute is set to None, indicating these parameters are not available |
ngates | (int) Number of gates (bins) in the volume. |
nrays | (int) Number of rays in the volume. |
nsweeps | (int) Number of sweep in the volume. |
add_field(field_name, dic) | Add a field to the object. |
add_field_like(existing_field_name, ...) | Add a field to the object with metadata from a existing field. |
extract_sweeps(sweeps) | Create a new radar contains only the data from select sweeps. |
info([level, out]) | Print information on radar. |