
One-dimensional lineshape functions and classes

This modules is imported as nmrglue.lineshapes1d and can be called as such.

Developer Functions

These functions are typically not used directly by users. Developers who want to segment spectra will be interested in these functions.

sim_gauss_fwhm(x, x0, fwhm) Simulate a Gaussian (normal) lineshape with unit height at the center.
sim_lorentz_fwhm(x, x0, fwhm) Simulate a Lorentzian lineshape with unit height at the center.
sim_voigt_fwhm(x, x0, fwhm_g, fwhm_l) Simulate a Voigt lineshape with unit height at the center.
sim_pvoigt_fwhm(x, x0, fwhm, eta) Simulate a Pseudo Voigt lineshape with unit height at the center.
sim_gauss_sigma(x, x0, sigma) Simulate a Gaussian (normal) lineshape with unit height at the center.
sim_lorentz_gamma(x, x0, gamma) Simulate a Lorentzian lineshape with unit height at the center.
sim_voigt_sigmagamma(x, x0, sigma, gamma) Simulate a Voigt lineshape with unit height at the center.
center_fwhm(signal) Estimate the center and full-width half max of a signal.
center_fwhm_bymoments(signal) Estimate the center and full-width half max of a signal using moments

Developer Classes

location_scale() Base class for building a 2 parameter location scale lineshape class.
gauss_sigma() Gaussian (normal) lineshape class with unit height at the mean and sigma scale parameter.
gauss_fwhm() Gaussian (normal) lineshape class with unit height at the mean and fwhm scale parameter.
lorentz_gamma() Lorentzian lineshape class with unit height at the center and gamma scale parameter.
lorentz_fwhm() Lorentzian lineshape class with unit height at the center and gamma scale parameter.
location_2params() Base Class for building a 3 parameter location, scale, other lineshape
voigt_fwhm() Voigt lineshape class with unit height at the center and full-width half-maximum scale parameters.
voigt_sigmagamma() Voigt lineshape class with unit height at the center and sigma, gamma scale parameters.
pvoigt_fwhm() Pseudo-Voigt lineshape class with unit height at the center and full-width
scale() Scale lineshape class

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