
nmrglue.fileio.varian.write_lowmem(dir, dic, data, fid_file='fid', procpar_file='procpar', torder=None, repack=False, overwrite=False)[source]

Write Agilent/Varian files to a directory using mimimal amounts of memory.

Parameters :

dir : str

Name of the directory to write to.

dic : dict

Dictionary of Agilent/Varian parameters.

data : array_like

Array of NMR data to write.

fid_file : str, optional

Filename of binary (fid) file in directory to write to.

procpar_file : str, optional

Filename of procpar file in directory to write to.

torder : {None, ‘r’, ‘o’, ‘f’ or a Python function} , optional

Description of the mapping of traces in the file to the NMR data matrix. None (the default) will attempt to find this automatically which is typically fine for most NMR experiments. See read() for additional details.

repack : bool, optional

True to repack file and block headers. False (default) leaves these as is.

overwrite : bool, optional

Set to True to overwrite existing files, False will raise a Warning if files already exist.

See also

Write Agilent/Varian files.
Read Agilent/Varian using minimal amounts of memory.

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