
Functions for reading and writing Agilent/Varian binary (fid) files and parameter (procpar) files.

This modules is imported as nmrglue.varian and can be called as such.

User Information

User Functions

read([dir, fid_file, procpar_file, ...]) Read Agilent/Varian files in a directory.
write(dir, dic, data[, fid_file, ...]) Write Agilent/Varian files to a directory.
write_lowmem(dir, dic, data[, fid_file, ...]) Write Agilent/Varian files to a directory using mimimal amounts of memory.
read_lowmem([dir, fid_file, procpar_file, ...]) Read Agilent/Varian files in a directory using minimal amount of memory.
read_fid(filename[, shape, torder, ...]) Read a Agilent/Varian binary (fid) file.
write_fid(filename, dic, data[, torder, ...]) Write a Agilent/Varian binary (fid) file.
read_fid_lowmem(filename[, shape, torder, ...]) Read a Agilent/Varian binary (fid) file using mimimal amounts of memory.
write_fid_lowmem(filename, dic, data[, ...]) Write a Agilent/Varian binary (fid) file using mimimal amounts of memory.
read_fid_ntraces(filename[, shape, torder, ...]) Read a Agilent/Varian binary (fid) file possibility having multiple
read_procpar(filename) Read a procpar file returning a dictionary of procpar parameters.
write_procpar(filename, dic[, overwrite]) Write a Agilent/Varian procpar file from a dictionary
guess_udic(dic, data) Guess parameter of a universal dictionary from dic, data pair.
create_dic(udic) Create a Agilent/Varian parameter dictionary from a universal dictionary.

Developer Infomation

Agilent/Varian file format information

Both the Agilent/Varian binary and parameter formats are documented in:

  • Varian MR News 2005-04-18 Importing Binary VnmrJ / VNMR FIDs into Third

    Party Software and VnmrJ / VNMR FID Data Format

  • VnmrJ User Programming - Chapter 5: Parameters and Data

These are available (as of 04/2011) online from Agilent.

Developer Functions

These functions are typically not used directly by users. Developers who want fine control over Agilent/Varian files will be interested in these functions.

create_data(data) Create a Agilent/Varian data array (recast into complex64 array)
create_pdic_param(name, values) Create a fake procpar dictionary element of with given name and values.
find_torder(dic, shape) Find the torder from the procpar dictionary.
torder2i2t(torder) Convert torder to an index2trace function
torder2t2i(torder) Convert torder to a trace2index functions
reorder_data(data, shape, torder) Reorder raw data from file.
order_data(data, torder) Order NMR data for writing to file.
get_nblocks(f, nblocks, pts, nbheaders, dt, ...) Read multiple blocks from a Agilent/Varian binary file.
get_block(f, pts, nbheaders, dt[, ...]) Read a single block from Agilent/Varian binary file.
get_nblocks_ntraces(f, nblocks, ntraces, ...) Read multiple blocks from a Agilent/Varian binary file which may have
get_block_ntraces(f, ntraces, pts, nbheaders, dt) Read a single block from Agilent/Varian binary file which may have
get_trace(f, pts, dt) Read trace of pts points of dtype dt from Agilent/Varian binary file
get_fileheader(f) Unpack file header parameters into a list.
get_blockheader(f) Unpack block header parameters into a list.
skip_blockheader(f) Read a block header but do not unpack.
get_hyperheader(file) Unpack hypercomplex header parameters to a list.
put_block(f, trace, nbheaders, bh[, hh]) Put blockheader(s) and the trace to file.
put_trace(f, trace) Write a trace to file f.
put_fileheader(f, fh) Write a fileheader list to file (32-bytes written).
put_blockheader(f, bh) Write a blockheader list to file (28-bytes written)
put_hyperheader(f, hh) Write hyperheader list to file (28-bytes written)
hyperheader2dic(head) Convert a hypercomplex block header into a Python dictionary.
repack_hyperheader(dic) Repack a hyperheader dictionary bit flag parameters into status.
dic2hyperheader(dic) Convert a Python dictionary into a hypercomplex block header list.
make_blockheader([filedic, index]) Make a generic blockheader dictionary with a given block index.
blockheader2dic(head) Convert a block header list into a Python dictionary.
repack_blockheader(dic) Repack blockheader dic bit flag parameters into status and mode.
dic2blockheader(dic) Convert a python dictionary into block header list.
fileheader2dic(head) Convert fileheader list into a Python dictionary
repack_fileheader(dic) Repack blockheader dic bit flag parameters into status and mode.
dic2fileheader(dic) Convert a Python dictionary into a fileheader list
find_shape(pdic) Determine the shape of a Agilent/Varian file from the procpar dictionary
find_cdtype(dic) Find the complex dtype from a Agilent/Varian dictionary
find_dtype(dic) Find the real dtype from a dictionary
uninterleave_data(data) Unpack interleaved real, imag data
interleave_data(data_in) Interleave real, imag data
get_parameter(f) Reads a procpar parameter from a file object.

Developer Classes

fid_nd(filename, i2t_func[, fshape, order]) Emulate a ndarray objects without loading data into memory for low memory